About Liz.

Hello! My name is Liz Gedge. I reside with my feline family in the Wolverhampton area in the West Midlands, working part time as an administration manager for the NHS.
I was very first introduced to the Birman breed of cat in the 1980's, when my mother brought one home. She went on to breed and her registered prefix is 'Kynobi'.
When I left home I was given a Birman and I, myself went on to breed these beautiful cats.
'Airavata' was my chosen prefix. Unusual, I know. I found inspiration for the name from reading a book about the Airavata Asiatic elephant; a special white elephant. As Birman cats are also special and have gorgeous white fur, I felt this prefix suited perfectly.
To read more about the Airavata elephant, please click here.
During my first 3 years of breeding, my cats had 2 litters. I decided to keep a blue point boy from the second litter and called him Dylan, I then got Barney to keep him company.
With two male neuters, I decided to temporarily stop breeding.
After losing both of my Birmans, I had a black and white moggy and called her Guiness.
In 2008, my mother gave up breeding her own Birman cats (Kynobi prefix) and she gave me a kitten out of her last litter, Kynobi Masquerade. Known as Poppy to her friends.
I started showing Poppy and she now has the title of Grand Champion. Out of her litters I have kept a chocolate point female, Bizzie Lizzie from her first litter and Basil and Logan out of her second litter.
As my feline family was growing, I moved from a flat to a house so that my cats would have more room. (They have even taken over the conservatory!)
They are all content living here now, with me as their human slave while I continue to breed my beloved Birmans.